Write a Book in a Day using ChatGPT

June 14 - Wed ~8-5 pm PST

Alright, my fellow aspiring authors, buckle up! As your book coach [Kelly Falardeau], I'm here to teach you how to write a book in just one day using ChatGPT - our very own Word Wizard. 

And if you're thinking, "One day? That's impossible!" - well, that's why we're here, to make the impossible possible! 

First things first, let's get acquainted with the writing process. You know, that thing that every writer dreads but can't live without. 

We'll cover everything from brainstorming to editing, and I promise to make it as painless as possible.

Now, let's talk about ChatGPT - our secret weapon in this one-day book writing extravaganza. This magical language model can assist you in generating content faster than a wizard casting a spell. 

We'll show you all the tricks to make the most out of this Word Wizard. 

Next up, choosing a topic. You may be thinking, "I have so many ideas, how do I choose just one?" 

Well, we'll teach you how to narrow down your options and pick a topic that'll have your readers turning pages faster than you can say "Abracadabra!" 

 Once you've got your topic, it's time to create an outline. But fear not, we'll make it easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. With ChatGPT's help, you'll have an outline faster than you can say "Hocus Pocus!" 

Now comes the fun part - writing your book using ChatGPT. Let your imagination run wild and watch as ChatGPT brings your ideas to life. 

We'll also teach you how to edit your work, so you don't end up with a bunch of gibberish. 

Formatting and publishing are up next. Don't worry; we won't leave you hanging. We'll guide you through the process of formatting your book and publishing it on Amazon. 

It's like a magic trick, but instead of pulling a rabbit out of a hat, you'll be publishing a book! 

And last but not least, promoting your book. We'll show you how to get the word out about your masterpiece, so it doesn't just sit on a shelf collecting dust. 

We'll even use ChatGPT to create the content for your book sales page and social media posts. 

Because what good is a book if no one reads it, right? 

So, my fellow Word Wizards, get ready to unlock your writing potential and become a one-day book writing master with the help of ChatGPT. 

Let's make some magic happen!

One more thing - we can't forget the cover! We're going to show you how to design your cover without hiring an expensive graphic designer. 

At the end of this day, your book will be ready to hit the 'submit' to Amazon button.


* an ISBN # from a publishing company [$250 value]

* 30-min Successful Author Roadmap Consultation call with 8x Bestselling Author Strategist Kelly Falardeau [$250 value]

* ChatGPT Bible - 454 Writing Prompts for Fiction & Non-Fiction Books

Kelly Falardeau is an 8x Bestselling Author who has helped over 500 people become bestselling authors. She has a 100% success rate in getting people to the bestseller list. And now she's teaching people how to use the latest technology [ChatGPT] to become your best friend and get your books done quicker so that you can make more income and impact.

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Don't miss this amazing offer!

Successful Author Tool Kit, only $97!
This toolkit has 20 resources to help you succeed as an Author including book templates, writing formulas, editing cheat sheets, business planners, social media planners and a book marketing seminar. 

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